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Last HarvestScavengers trespass on Providence Territory.500 Biomass
ProvidenceAlien swarms are forming in the clouds. Time to return home.500 Biomass
Breeding FieldsMeet with the Earth Reclamation Forces research team.500 Biomass
OvercastJourney to the DARPA Laboratory leads across hostile wasteland.1000 Biomass
DARPA Research FacilityFormer military base, now infested with Aliens and Scavengers alike.1000 Biomass
DevastationWar Train speeding through the sand storm needs to be stopped.2000 Biomass
Chasing SunsetWe have located another specimen of the rare Obliterator Alien.2000 Biomass
Night RaidPre-emptive strike on Scavengers could be an oppurtunity to field test new technology.Ironclad
Very Large ArrayMajestic antennas tower in the distance.Postal
Deep Space Network ComplexEquipment once used to listen to the stars can be repurposed to silence them.2000 Biomass
TransmissionIf the Reaper Signal passes through the depths of the Sludge Sea, nothing is beyond our reach.Archangel
From the AshesReckless Scavenger offensive threatens ERF research.2000 Biomass
Newark SuburbsDespite the City being hailed as the safest place on Earth, its sprawling outskirts are deadly.Sakura
Newark Capital CityThe post-war capital of the world is the only remaining human population center on Earth.Red Dragon GT
Bolton Sphere ReactorA single plasma fusion core powers the entire metropolis.2000 Biomass
RetributionPresident Magnus escapes with his battle fleet.Sturmengel
Power GrabDesperate and out of options, we have decided to seek out the Alien Seedship.XB-1
StratosphereAlien Oneiromants weave interstellar dreams.2000 Biomass
Killing MoonAll ERF units work on one task only; tracking down the interface.Tiger Tank
Fort ApocalypseWarlord Vega must answer for his crimes.Sovren
InterfaceThe elusive alien telepath shall hide from us no more.2500 Biomass
Deep Sea Mining TowersShould we allow the Seedship to refuel, it may vanish into the depths of outer space.Pale Rider
RuinsThe Seedship is hiding amongst the smoldering remains of Newark City.Euphoria
AscensionThe final battle decides the fate of the Earth.Vorot

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