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Force Shield

Envelops you tank in a powerful forcefield bubble, providing a layer of defense against enemy attacks. Durability 100 hitpoints. Reload 25 seconds.


All weapon systems exceed their standard firing capability. Auxiliary ammo magazines allow for longer periods of sustained rapid fire. Slow-fire weapons benefit greatly from Overdrive. Projectile power remains unaffected. Duration 10 seconds. Reload 40 seconds.

Hyper Focus

Massive tachyon emission creates a transient temporal rift between your vehicle and the outside world. This effectively slows down the flow of time, allowing you to react seemingly with supernatural speed. 1 charge. Duration 16 seconds. Reload 16 seconds.

Unmaker Omega

Violent stream of antimatter plasma. Erases most targets and projectiles out of existence. 600 damage. Reload 20 seconds.

Reaper Artifact

Unique prototype capable of emitting a small-scale Reaper Signal that temporarily freezes all alien activity in the vicinity. Affected aliens cannot move or attack, and can be easily destroyed or run over. Alien spores detonate. Human or synthetic targets remain unaffected. 1 charge. Reload 40 seconds.


Strong pulse-wave deflects incoming projectiles and missiles. Deflected shots damage enemies. 3 charges. Reload 40 seconds.

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