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Beliah Autocannon

High-caliber anti-materiel minigun effective against all targets. Further upgrades increase rate of fire and damage. 10 damage per round. 16 rounds. Reload 0.63 seconds.

Viper Missiles

Precision-guided kinetic missiles seek targets relentlessly and repeatedly, dealing multiple hits, one with each ricochet. Great at neutralizing targets indirectly. Upgrades increase the number of ricochets, multiplying their effectivity further. 10 damage per hit. 6x1 missiles. Reload 3 seconds.

Vortex Launcher

This experimental prototype launches violent positron cyclones. A single cyclone may hit the target multiple times. These unpredictable missiles can do less or much more damage than projected, making it impossible to accurately quantify their damage output. 69 projected plasma damage per round. 3 rounds. Reload 3 seconds.

Smart Gun

This high-tech, rapid-firing minigun uses a guided electromagnetic tendril to direct its stream of projectiles at targets. 45 damage per second. 60 rounds. Reload 0.8 seconds.


Hold down fire to create an expanding sphere of powerful green plasma. The bigger the sphere, the more destructive it becomes and the farther it travels. Green plasma will burn through soft targets and then explode. Up to 400 variable damage.

Trinitron Cannon

Fires three heavy blobs of blue ion plasma that burn through soft tissue and cause splash damage on impact. Trinitron's ballistic drop allows us to hit multiple targets ouside of their line of fire. 3x30 damage per round. 3 rounds. Reload 2 seconds.

Hydra Multicannon

Two linked and synchronized heavy machine guns firing high-caliber bullets simultaneously to cover a wider area. 2x10 damage per round. 8 rounds. Reload 1 second.

Vulcan Trashgun

This efficient post-collapse wasteland weapon rapid-fires loads of molten hot scrap metal. While it lacks range, the sheer onslaught of its projectile pile will bury most targets in an instant. 80 damage per second. Range 23m. Reload 2.5 seconds.

Helios Blaster

Fires golden orbs of hot plasma that explode on impact. While not very accurate, its high damage output combined with its chaotic spread makes it an ideal weapon against clusters and large enemies. 40 damage per round. 6 rounds. Reload 2 seconds.

Archon Pulse Cannon

A super-fast accelerating high-energy projectile causes a small plasma explosion on impact. It is capable of bouncing repeatedly, often colliding with multiple targets. 50 damage per round. 3 rounds. Reload 2.5 seconds.

Shogun Shotgun

Fast and reliable double-A large-bore shotgun fires an expanding fan of ricocheting pellets. Great for softening up enemy clusters from a distance or delivering deadly blows at close range. 7x7 damage per round. 6 rounds. Reload 3 seconds.

Talon Heavy Cannon

The staple large-caliber tank gun fires a depleted uranium shell that deals splash damage on impact and is capable of ricochet. 50 damage per round. 4 rounds. Reload 2 seconds.

Solaris Particle Beam

A superheated, high-velocity stream of x-particles forms a seemingly solid beam that disintegrates matter on contact. 90 damage per second. 4 seconds of sustained fire. Reload 2.5 seconds.

Nemesis Missile

The fire-and-forget missile launcher unleashes a lightning fast, search-and-destroy vibroblade that repeatedly and indiscriminately slices through multiple targets. Approximately 140 damage per missile on average. 2 missiles. Reload 4 seconds.

Gamma Disruptor Beam

In a bright flash of ultraviolent radiation, the Gamma-Gaussian beam pierces through any number of targets, incinerating them all at once. Effective against flying targets. 77 damage per round. 3 rounds. Reload 2.5 seconds.

Alastor Flak Cannon

The super-heavy cannon fires a powerful cluster shell that bursts into 12 sub-projectiles in time or on impact. 294 total damage per round. 2 rounds. Reload 4.67 seconds.

Seraphim Missile

Launch a flaming pink-phosphorus guided missile that causes a thermobaric explosion upon impact. 80 damage per missile. 1 missile. Reload 2 seconds.

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